3 大気拡散モデルを用いた廃棄物焼却炉の環境リスクの評価(IV-2 災害・環境.セッションIV,自由報告)
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Dioxins in the atmosphere have been discharged from the incinerator drop to the ground as large particles or rain. Since they contaminate the soil and water, we are concerned about the human and ecological effects. The purpose of this study is to propose a method to evaluate environmental risk of waste incinerators using atmospheric dispersion model as indicator of environmental risk is dioxins. As evaluation of the first step, we analyze a large region using ADMER. The second step is to evaluate the high concentration of dioxin in the area using METI-LIS. Based on these results, we calculate the precipitation of dioxins using atmospheric dispersion model, and we overlay the precipitation of dioxins and land information using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to identify the polluted area by dioxins. Finally, we evaluate environmental risk of waste incinerators from the point of view of human health and ecological effects.
- 2012-09-14
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- 3 大気拡散モデルを用いた廃棄物焼却炉の環境リスクの評価(IV-2 災害・環境.セッションIV,自由報告)
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