2. 薬剤防除試験成績の現場指導への活用事例 : 岩手県における農作物病害虫・雑草防除指針を例に
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to realize stable agricultural production, appropriate pest control and prevention of damage to agricultural produce is indispensable. An agricultural supervisor surveys adherence to the control guidance of pests by referring to the "standards for pest and weed control" which is created for each prefecture. Therefore, it is imperative that standards for pest and weed control provide information required for pest and weed control. In this paper, an example of standards for pest and weed control of Iwate prefecture is introduced. We show how the result of a chemical pest control test can be effectively utilized at the time of creation of standards for pest and weed control, specifically, evaluation of the control effect according to a meta-analysis, etc., in cucumber scab (caused by Cladosporium cucumerinum) and soybean purple seed stain (caused by Cercospora kikuchii) is shown. Moreover, we describe how to use the result of a chemical pest control test when following control guidance.
- 2011-08-00
- キュウリホモプシス根腐病抵抗性台木の検索と台木適性
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- 2. 薬剤防除試験成績の現場指導への活用事例 : 岩手県における農作物病害虫・雑草防除指針を例に