フランスにおける外国人労働者子弟の教育と行政(I 論説<「教育の国際化」の今日的課題>)
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the education policy for the children of foreign workers in France, paying attention to the differences and/or identity. In France, all children who reach six years old are required to go to school. There is no discrimination between French or foreign children. In the early 1970's, the government set up the class for children of foreign workers for the purpose of teaching French. The government recognized that a disability in French leads to social, and educational problems. This special class, however, discriminated between the French and foreigners. Gradually, the students who were behind in their school work for forced to enter this class. This policy is not explicit as to the distinction between ability in language and ability in learning. In the latter half of the 1970's, a new policy appeared, which respected foreigner's languages and cultures as a part of the curriculum. But, emphasizing the importance of cultural differences brought a new discrimination. For the foreign children, to learn their mother tongue is not actually very useful if they desire entrance into higher education. They, therefore, give up maintaining their own language and culture. It is a bad point that this policy has a disregard for the hierarchy of languages in France. From the 80's, understanding differences between cultures is becoming more important. Rights to difference has become a slogan. But, the number of foreign children who were born and grew up in France has been steadily increasing. They can speak French and have more or less a French culture. So, to regard these foreign children as culturally different beings from the French makes for a new educational and social marginality. Today, in the current trend towards integration under the EC, to make an intellectual interest in other cultures is not sufficient. It is thus important to clear up the relation between French culture and non-European cultures. If the government does not do so, the question of respect for other cultures will continue to reveal inconsistencies.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1993-10-09
- フランス「新教育基本法」下における教育改革に関する総合的研究 (一)
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- フランスにおける外国人労働者子弟の教育と行政(I 論説)