リーディングにおける偶発的語彙学習 : 推測練習,語注,辞書の効果
- 論文の詳細を見る
Japanese intermediate students of English read an English short story in one of the four text reading conditions: Guessing exercises (provision of gussing unknown words as a pre-reading activity), Marginal Glosses (provision of L1 translations of unknown words), Dictionary (accessing a bilingual dictionary), and Control. The results found that learners in gussing pre-reading activity and marginal glossing groups outperformed their peers on the form-meaning connection tasks administered immediately after they had read the text. Furthermore, this difference didn't disappear on the retest two weeks later. This article ends with recommendations for effective ways of teaching vocabulary through reading.
- 関東甲信越英語教育学会の論文
- 1998-03-01
- Lexical Inferencing Cues in Readingand Japanese Laarners of English
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- 内容理解と語彙学習に及ぼす辞書の効果
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- リーディングにおける偶発的語彙学習 : 推測練習,語注,辞書の効果