後期ソヴィエト体制下を生きた市民の「主体性」 : ライフストーリー文書を手がかりに
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This article attempts to elucidate how Soviet rank-and-file intellectuals and citizens exerted their agency in the new political and social situation that emerged in the post-Stalin era, and responded to the authority's positive approach to the Soviet general public for their support in implementing public policies, through analyzing their life story documents such as diaries, letters and autobiographies. The article examines two types of life story documents. One is a collective diary kept by Vera Novoshelova, a famous female teacher in Moscow, Natalia Rykova, a daughter of Aleksei Rykov, and others during the period spanning from 1935 to 1992 with an interruption from 1937 to 1956. An analysis of their diary-writings and joint letters addressed to the authorities during Khrushchev's era illustrates a closed, yet active space of political and social discussion among Soviet intellectuals and citizens, proposing a new concept of 'proto-public sphere'. The other type of document is four citizens' autobiographical memoirs written in the late 1970s and 1980s. The article seeks to clarify their direct motives for starting to write them and their orientation toward private and intimate spheres such as families and friends, in short, enhancing the tendency toward 'the privatization of Soviet Society'.
- 2010-12-15
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