4-1-2 カエデの種型風車における風力特性(4-1 風量・海洋エネルギー,Session 4 新エネルギー)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Wind power as renewable energy has been come into the limelight by global warming and energy problems, and small type of wind turbine has been settled in general home and company. However, the widely used wind turbine is ordinary propeller type, and there is more complicated technique at the field of producing its propeller type of blade. In the present report, from these circumstances, I suggest a new type of wind turbine having the possibility of easy producing the wind turbine blade as new next generation wind turbine type. When I pay my attention the rotational motion of falling maple seed in the nature world, a maple seed wind blade as a new type can be produced from the phenomena, and the production is easy because of unnecessary twisting with taking wind's streamline into account. We compared its electric power and rotational speed obtained from the wind turbine generator to those in the case of ordinary propeller type of blade. Those at the maple type become larger than those at ordinary propeller type at the most suitable conditions of the installation position, the number and the shape of the blades.
- 2012-07-30
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