- 論文の詳細を見る
A decrease in young population and interest in science has caused a fall in the number of applicants to theColleges of Engineering, particularly the Civil Engineering Department. Under this situation a bus tour event wasplanned to arouse interests in civil engineering from students of elementary and junior high schools. The feature ofthe event was to conduct as a collaborative education activity with alumni association of the Civil EngineeringDepartment. The paper introduces the event planning and describes implementing of the bus tour to make thestudents understand civil engineering. Also, the effects of the event are examined from the results of questionnaires.The participants' impression was that they could visit unusual sites that were not offered in ordinary site tours by theguidance of the alumni who were engineers of the facilities. It is seen that their concern and interest in civilengineering were generally deepened by attending the event.
- 2012-03-00
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