農奴解放と国民教育 : 大改革期ロシアにおける国民学校のあり方をめぐって(<特集>2011年度大会)
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This paper attempts to elucidate how peasants after the Emancipation were treated by the government and society through analysis of the introduction process of the Narod school system during the Era of the Great Reforms. The first half of this paper indicates that the Tsarist government did not intend to create a Russian nation by fusing the peasant estate into other estates in the Russian Empire. Specifically, the Ministry of Public Instruction, which was responsible for the institutional design of Narod schools in the period of the Great Reforms, had no clear perspective on peasant education, because its focus had been on elite education such as Universities and Gymnasia since its establishment. Therefore, the initiative to construct schools in villages was left to spontaneous contribution from the peasant collectives, and the government was assumed to furnish very little financial assistance and to adopt no specific diffusion policy. On the other hand, the emerging secular pedagogues became involved in active movements for peasant education, envisaging peasants as a part of the Russian nation. Their enthusiasm was to compensate the nonresponsive attitude of the government. The second part of this paper examines such concrete activities of pedagogues.
- 2012-06-12
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