帝政期ロシアの教育制度における身分制原理の弛緩 : 国民教育省管下の中等教育改革(一八六二-一八六四)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper is to clarify the convoluted dissolution process of the estate-based policies of the Russian education system around the middle of the 19th century. It is already known that after the educational reforms implemented at that time, the traditional estate-based system was largely eliminated, and in turn, through the new system that resulted, social mobility was greatly facilitated during the second half of the century. The research to date, however, has not fully elucidated the concrete process of how the system changed, leading the author to investigate the reform process in the area of secondary education under the Ministry of Public Instruction, the education sector that was changed most radically by the reform of estate-based policies. The focus of the article is on policy changes implemented between 1862 and 1864, in contrast to the Ministry's thinking prior to that time. First, the author shows that the idea of reform up through the bill introduced by the government in 1862 did not attempt to change the social order or characteristics of various estate groups, but rather place the gimnaziia as an educational institution to integrate them in moral terms. In particular, the aim was to restrict social mobility by abolishing social privilege related to education. Secondly, the author points to the views of gimnaziia teachers as an important factor that helped change the previous thinking that went into the 1862 bill. They held that privileges related to schools operated by the state should be given precedent over estate privileges. Finally, the author shows how the Ministry sided with the gimnaziia teachers and determined that educational privileges bestowed on the people by the state be strengthened vis-a-vis privileges related to birth. It was through this process that between 1862 and 1864 policy based on the estate system took a back seat to gimnaziia that were transformed into equal opportunity educational institutions guaranteed to all estates under the authority of the state. This character of the gimnaziia would be maintained and further strengthened during Tolstoi's term of office as education minister and was related to the spread of secondary education, which helped speed up social mobility. This process of loosening the strictures of the estate system brought about by educational reform from above is one example of Russian-style modernization, which was dependent on the authority and initiative of the state.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 2007-01-20
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- 帝政期ロシアの教育制度における身分制原理の弛緩 : 国民教育省管下の中等教育改革(一八六二-一八六四)
- 書評 橋本伸也『帝国・身分・学校 : 帝政期ロシアにおける教育の社会文化史』
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