地域的共通価値と環境技術移転 : 北東アジア環境経済論構築の起点
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For the international disposal of environmental problems, the common value which international society should realize in the process of globalization and regional-integration must be found out, and it must strive for the realization. In this paper, the regional common value is grasped as three-dimensional worth of welfare value, economic value, and natural value. That is, I think that the common value in the Northeast Asia consists of welfare value of "equal, reliance, and respect", economic value of "reciprocity, fairness, and dependence", and natural value of "coexistence, collaboration, and circulation" on the basis of the community life base on condition of the diversity of the Japan Sea Rim ecosystem, and symbiosis. Further.in the reality of Northeast Asia, a "dispute (peace) problem", a "gap problem", and an "environmental problem" are produced in what is called flying-geese-pattern development, and the motion which deviates from common value and appears vicious circle society is considered. On the other hand, the movement toward "the ecological progress by the environmental disposal in flying-geese-pattern development" which frees itself from this vicious circle is also expanded, and it is argued that it achieves the function to correct the deviation from that common value. In that case, a big role with environmental technology transfer is played, and the mechanism is divided in the case of three (a market mechanism, a non-market mechanism, and also a "deliberation market mechanism"), and is examined.
- 北東アジア学会の論文
- 2007-10-01
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