広義再生産過程の視覚から見た北東アジア経済協力とその課題 : 地球環境問題への国際地域論的アプローチ
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The present article stresses on the importance of developing regional economic exchanges with better consideration of their consequences for the mutual coexistence of Man and Nature, and the future of mankind. In this respect, five points have been discussed as follows: 1. There are several imbalances between the present state of affairs and the existing potential that are typical for the process of economic cooperation in northeast Asia. For example, there are complementary factors of production that can be put to a better use, human networks that can be utilized better, inconsistencies between the speed of economic development and the need to introduce new intrenational rules and improve environmental protection. 2. There are great possibilities to achieve a breakthrough in northeast Asian economic cooperation by overcoming mutual mistrust, abolishing the structure that generates "relative vicious cycles", and reinventing the concept of regional economy. 3. A revolution in thinking is deemed necessary to achieve the above. Viewing the reproduction process in a wider sense (as one including the economy, people, and environment) might be helpful to construct a new concept of "people-centered, harmonious development". 4. Five principles derived from the above concept might take us closer to the goal of regional economic integration. These are agreement on common objectives, better understanding of mutual complementarity, respect for diversity, recognition of the laws of nature, and collective action towards the objective of avoiding environmental damage. 5. A possible course of action now is to encourage grassroot exchanges among northeast Asian countries in various fields. International cooperation based on principles going beyond the conventional market transactions is the way out of the maze of problems that regional economic integration faces today.
- 北東アジア学会の論文
- 1997-09-15
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