企業の生物多様性に関する活動の評価基準 : 市民の視点からの提案(特集論説,<特集>生物多様性条約COP10と環境アセスメントの動向)
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Companies are expected to reduce their significant impacts on biodiversity as their corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, most Japanese companies implement biodiversity conservation merely as part of their social contribution, rather than their core business. One of the reasons for this is the lack of an objective standard to measure their activities concerning the conservation. Given this background, FoE Japan, an international environmental NGO, set up a committee consisting of experts and NGO representatives and developed a standard to evaluate company activities regarding their biodiversity conservation from citizens' perspectives. This was implemented as feasibility study commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment for the fiscal year 2008.
- 2009-08-25
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