The Minimal English Test : The "100 Square Calculation" Effect
- Correlation Between ESL Proficiency and Arithmetic Ability : A Preliminary Study on the Correlation Between the Scores on the Minimal English Test and the Time to Complete the 100 Square Calculation
- A Statistical Analysis of the Correlation Between the Scores on the Minimal English Test and the Scores on the Kanji Test: A Preliminary Study
- The Goto English Test (GET) : A Strong Correlation with the Minimal English Test (MET)
- The Minimal English Test (MET) and the Writing Test (WT): A Preliminary Study
- The Minimal English Test (MET) and the Relative Clause Test (RCT): A Preliminary Study
- The Minimal English Test : A Strong Correlation with the Paul Nation Vocabulary Test : A Preliminary Study
- The Minimal English Test : From Proficiency Measurement to Proficiency Improvement
- 短大生における最小英語テスト(MET)とその所見
- Symposia第六部門「形態的一致とAgree-honorification再考」(日本英文学会第77回大会報告)
- The Minimal English Test : The "100 Square Calculation" Effect
- The Minimal English Test as a Placement Test : A Preliminary Study
- 東日本大震災における被災者の健康及び日常生活支援に関する新聞記事の内容分析
- Correlations between ESL Proficiency and Factors toward English and English Teachers : A Preliminary Study