「過去生記憶」を持つ子供 : インド人としての記憶を持つ日本人女児の事例
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In the preceding paper, I reported a case of a Japanese male child with past life memories as a boy who lived in Edinburgh, Scotland and demonstrated that Cases of Reincarnation Type (CORT) can also be found in contemporary Japan. In this paper, I will report a case of a Japanese female child with past life memories as an Indian girl. She had a birthmark on her forehead related to the memories. Also, she used to show some symptoms of arsonphobia which seems to be attributed to the violent death she claims to have suffered in her previous life. Although the past life personality has not been successfully identified so that the present case should be regarded as "unsolved," consultation with Indians suggests that much of the information she has provided, such as names of her families and descriptions of the households in India, is real and should not be simply dismissed as a child's imagination. I claim that the accumulation of such data as reported in the paper is essential for the understanding of the nature of the phenomena and possible cultural differences among countries where cases occur.
- 2012-06-15
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- 書評 Edward F. Kelly, Emily Williams Kelly, Adam Crabtree, Alan Gauld, Michael Grosso and Bruce Greyson: Irreducible mind: toward a psychology for the 21st century: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007
- 「過去生記憶」を持つ子供 : インド人としての記憶を持つ日本人女児の事例
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