D-16-10 Multiple Normalized Statistic Shape Models and Components Selection for Assisting Cirrhosis Diagnosis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2012-03-06
Chen Yen
College Of Information Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Chen Y‐w
College Of Information Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Chen Yen-wei
College Of Information And Science Ristumeikan University
Chen Yen-wei
College Of Information And Science Ritsumeikan University
Chen Yen-wei
Graduate School Of Engineering And Science Ritsumeikan University
Kanasaki Shuzo
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Furukawa Akira
Department Of Chemical Pharmacology Toho University School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Luo Jie
Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Kohara Shinya
Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Hani Xian-Hua
Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Tateyama Tomoko
Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Luo Jie
Graduate School Of Information Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Kohara Shinya
Graduate School Of Information Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Tateyama Tomoko
Graduate School Of Information Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Hani Xian-hua
Graduate School Of Information Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
- A supervised LPP and neural network based scene classification with color histogram and camera metadata (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- A supervised LPP and neural network based scene classification with color histogram and camera metadata (コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア)
- Facial pose image synthesis with a single image using tensor subspace approximation method (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Facial pose image synthesis with a single image using tensor subspace approximation method (画像工学)
- Facial pose image synthesis with a single image using tensor subspace approximation method (医用画像)
- A novel automatic liver surface registration method using spherical harmonics (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- A novel automatic liver surface registration method using spherical harmonics (画像工学)
- A novel automatic liver surface registration method using spherical harmonics (医用画像)
- Multi-angle view, illumination and cosmetic facial image database (MaVIC) and quantitative analysis of facial appearance (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Multi-angle view, illumination and cosmetic facial image database (MaVIC) and quantitative analysis of facial appearance (データ工学)
- Multi-class object recognition by fusion of image descriptors: classification evaluation of PASCAL VOC Challenge database (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- D-12-36 A Spatial Weighted Edge Autocorrelogram for Image Annotation
- An adaptive color SIFT descriptor based on independent component analysis for image classification (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- D-7-17 Statistical Volume Modeling of Liver
- Automatic Optical Phase Identification of Microdrill Bits in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
- Segmentation of liver in low-contrast images using K-means clustering and a priori knowledge (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Segmentation of liver in low-contrast images using K-means clustering and a priori knowledge (画像工学)
- Segmentation of liver in low-contrast images using K-means clustering and a priori knowledge (医用画像)
- D-16-2 ICA Based Ring Artifacts Reduction in Cone-Beam CT Images
- Reduction of ring artifacts in cone-beam CT images (医用画像)
- 3D liver volume morphing and statistical modeling using Generalized N-dimensional Principal Component Analysis method (医用画像)
- D-7-16 Parzen-Window Based Normalized Mutual Information for Image Registration
- 3D Image Registration and Its Application to Open-MR Scanner Based Liver Cancer Surgery(一般セッション(3),人の検出・計測・認識)
- 3D Image Registration and Its Application to Open-MR Scanner Based Liver Cancer Surgery(一般セッション(3),人の検出・計測・認識)
- 3D Image Registration and Its Application to Open-MR Scanner Based Liver Cancer Surgery
- Laser-guided computed tomography puncture system : simulation experiments using artificial phantom lesions and preliminary clinical experience
- Role of combined CT hepatic angiography and CT during arterial portography in the management of patients with hepatocellular carcinomas and liver metastases
- Comparison between Tissue Harmonic Imaging and Liver-specific Late-phase Contrast-enhanced Pulse-inversion Imaging in the Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Metastasis
- Enhanced CT in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis to Evaluate the Severity of Disease: Comparison of CT Findings and Histological Diagnosis
- Transient hepatic Attenuation Difference (THAD) in Patients without Neoplasm: Frequency, Shape, Distribution, and Causes
- 大型ウサギの血管系インターベンショナルラジオロジーに対する有用性の検討
- Parzen-Window Based Normalized Mutual Information for Medical Image Registration
- A Wavelet-based Multiresolution Medical Image Registration Strategy Combining Mutual Information with Spatial Information
- An ICA-Domain Shrinkage Based Poisson-Noise Reduction Algorithm and Its Application to Penumbral Imaging(Image Processing and Video Processing)
- Robust Edge Detection by Independent Component Analysis in Noisy Images(Image Processing and Video Processing)
- Joint Blind Super-Resolution and Shadow Removing(Image Processing and Video Processing)
- Comparison of Optimization Methods for Rigid Medical Image Registration
- Comparison of Optimization Methods for Rigid Medical Image Registration
- D-16-10 Construction of Statistical Appearance Models from Fewer Samples by Generalized N-dimensional PCA
- Detection of the small bowel motility with cine-MRI sequence (医用画像)
- A semi-automated detection for motility of small bowel with MRI sequence (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- A semi-automated detection for motility of small bowel with MRI sequence (画像工学)
- A semi-automated detection for motility of small bowel with MRI sequence (医用画像)
- Effects of a New Positive Inotropic Agent with a Vasodilatory Action, 5-Methyl-6-(4-pyridyl)-2H-1,4-thiazin-3 (4H)-one (ZSY-27), on Agonists-Induced Contractions in the Isolated Rabbit Thoracic Aorta
- 3D Non-rigid Image Registration Assisted for Pneumoperitoneum in Laparoscopic Surgery
- Multilinear Supervised Neighborhood Embedding with Local Descriptor Tensor for Face Recognition
- Viscoelastic Effect on Hydrodynamic Relaxation in Polymer Solutions
- Color Independent Components Based SIFT Descriptors for Object/Scene Classification
- Batch-incremental and robust principle component analysis (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Batch-incremental and robust principle component analysis (マルチメディア・仮想環境基礎)
- Dynamic Critical Phenomena of Polymer Solutions
- Higher Order Orthogonal Iteration vs. Multilinear Principle Component Analysis for Tensor Subspace Learning
- Higher Order Orthogonal Iteration vs. Multilinear Principle Component Analysis for Tensor Subspace Learning
- Higher Order Orthogonal Iteration vs. Multilinear Principle Component Analysis for Tensor Subspace Learning
- Joint kernel equal integration of visual features and textual terms for biomedical imaging modality classification (医用画像)
- Independent components selection of color SIFT descriptors for image classification (医用画像)
- Joint kernel equal integration of visual features and textual terms for biomedical imaging modality classification (画像工学)
- Independent components selection of color SIFT descriptors for image classification (画像工学)
- Joint kernel equal integration of visual features and textual terms for biomedical imaging modality classification (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Independent components selection of color SIFT descriptors for image classification (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Higher Order Orthogonal Iteration vs. Multilinear Principle Component Analysis for Tensor Subspace Learning
- D-16-10 Multiple Normalized Statistic Shape Models and Components Selection for Assisting Cirrhosis Diagnosis
- Global Selection vs Local Ordering of Color SIFT Independent Components for Object/Scene Classification
- D-12-22 Visual Impression Estimation of Clothing Fabric Images Using Machine Learning Methods
- M-sequences from neural loop circuits
- View-Based Object Recognition Using ND Tensor Supervised Neighborhood Embedding
- Multi-Linear Subspace Learning Methods for Statistical Texture Atlases of the Liver
- A difference in mode of antagonism between optical isomers of a potent selective alpha1-adrenoceptor blocker (YM-12617) and norepinephrine in isolated rabbit iris dilator and aorta.
- Fast and Robust Reconstruction of Penumbral Images by Combining Multiple Wiener Filters
- An Overcomplete Dictionary Learning Algorithm for Tensor Sparse Representation
- Generalized N-Dimensional Independent Component Analysis Based Multiple Feature Selection and Fusion
- A Novel Components Selection Method in Statistical Shape Model for Computer-aided Diagnosis : And it's Application for Assisting Cirrhosis Diagnosis
- Generalized N-Dimensional Independent Component Analysis Based Multiple Feature Selection and Fusion
- M-sequences from neural loop circuits
- Generalized N-Dimensional Independent Component Analysis Based Multiple Feature Selection and Fusion (医用画像)
- A Novel Components Selection Method in Statistical Shape Model for Computer-aided Diagnosis : And it's Application for Assisting Cirrhosis Diagnosis (医用画像)
- A Novel Components Selection Method in Statistical Shape Model for Computer-aided Diagnosis : And it's Application for Assisting Cirrhosis Diagnosis (画像工学)
- An Overcomplete Dictionary Learning Algorithm for Tensor Sparse Representation (画像工学)
- An Overcomplete Dictionary Learning Algorithm for Tensor Sparse Representation (医用画像)
- Multi-Linear Subspace Learning Methods for Statistical Texture Atlases of the Liver
- Multi-angle View, Illumination and Cosmetic Facial Image Database (MaVIC) and Quantitative Analysis of Facial Appearance
- Multi-angle View, Illumination and Cosmetic Facial Image Database (MaVIC) and Quantitative Analysis of Facial Appearance
- Segmentation of Liver in Low-Contrast Images Using K-Means Clustering and Geodesic Active Contour Algorithms
- Generalized N-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis (GND-PCA) Based Statistical Appearance Modeling of Facial Images with Multiple Modes
- Generalized N-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis (GND-PCA) Based Statistical Appearance Modeling of Facial Images with Multiple Modes
- 階層的正規化に基づく患者固有統計アトラスを用いた造影CT画像からの疾患腎臓領域の自動抽出(テーマセッション4 計算解剖モデルを利用したセグメンテーション,計算解剖モデルとその診断・治療支援への応用,医用画像一般)
- 3D Non-rigid Medical Volume Registration using Landmark Based Initialization for Locoregional Therapy of Liver
- A Novel Components Selection Method in Statistical Shape Model for Computer-aided Diagnosis : And it's Application for Assisting Cirrhosis Diagnosis
- Multi-Linear Subspace Learning Methods for Statistical Texture Atlases of the Liver
- A Novel Components Selection Method in Statistical Shape Model for Computer-aided Diagnosis : And it's Application for Assisting Cirrhosis Diagnosis
- An Overcomplete Dictionary Learning Algorithm for Tensor Sparse Representation
- Generalized N-Dimensional Independent Component Analysis Based Multiple Feature Selection and Fusion