〔研究ノート〕 サードハンド・スモーク -学習教材としての提案-
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The concept of third-hand smoke(exposure to the poisonous substances in cigarette smoke that remain after a cigarette has been extinguished)is still little known, and certainly not as well known as second-hand smoke. In this study, the status of third-hand smoke awareness was first established by conducting a questionnaire survey. The survey results showed that many people are familiar with neither the term nor the concept "third-hand smoke." To help people understand that, though third-hand smoke can't be seen, it is still harmful, a clear airtight container of the type which can be obtained anywhere was employed as a pseudo-smoking area, and using this with a gas detection tube, a smell monitor, and a color sensor we were able to make the existence and effects of third-hand smoke clear. This study proposes that the pseudo-smoking area which makes clear the existence of third-hand smoke can be used as a learning material because it allows learners to experience the harm with all five of their senses.
- 2012-07-01
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- 〔研究ノート〕 サードハンド・スモーク -学習教材としての提案-
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