単語統計情報に基づくジャパニメーションの基礎的分析 : 宮崎駿アニメの場合
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In order to seek ways of making better use of Japanimations in EFL lessons, this paper analyzes basic word statistics of six English-dubbed Japanese animation movies made by Hayao Miyazaki in comparison with the same number of American animations originally made in English. The results obtained are as follows: (1) There is a significant difference between the translated Japanese animations and their American counterparts in Tokens, Types and TTR, which shows the marked tendency that the translations from Japanese animations consist of less words, comprise a narrower variety of words, and have lower lexical density than the American movies; (2) Regarding the frequency distribution of words, a striking characteristic common to all the six Japanimations is that the proportion of the words appearing only once in a movie is significantly lower while that of the words repeated more than six times is higher. It is concluded, therefore, that Japanimations are considered well-suited as teaching materials especially for students to introduce themselves into learning English through movies.
- 2008-03-25
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