映画を用いた語彙学習と記憶システムの活用 : 理想的な学習テキストに関する一考察
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In a second language learning, it is inevitable for the learners to learn and memorize some phrases and words used in the target language. In such a process of learning, however, it has not been made clear in the literature how the lexical memory in the brain works for the operation and what seems to be the most effective method for such learning. In Japanese, for example, both of the affixes ("-mi" and "-sa") in "arigata-sa" and "arigata-mi" seem to belong to the same lexical category (a suffix) and be dealt with in the same systematic process. Considering the morphological productivities of the two words, however, it seems that the former is unmarked while the latter is marked in the view of word formation. Hence, it is not plausible that both of the two suffixes belong to the same category and can be processed in the same way. In this paper, I will suggest a most effective method for learning English words and phrases by the use of a movie textbook on the basis of the Dual Mechanism Model.
- 2005-03-31
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