「ゴール・フリー評価」(goal-free evaluation)の方法論的検討 : カリキュラム評価の質的な客観性を確保する視点を中心に
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This study aims to clarify the significance of Michael Scriven's "goal-free evaluation" (GFE), focusing on its methods with which secure qualitative objectivity in curriculum evaluation studies. Qualitative objectivity can be separated from quantitative one, since objectivity is defined not only numerically but interpretatively. For example, judgment seems to have two ways of securing qualitative objectivity: by setting multiple viewpoints and emphasizing fact-finding. Comparing with judgment, in Japan, curriculum evaluation studies are seriously lack of qualitative objectivity, because teachers serve as planners, practitioners, and evaluators at the same time. As a result, this situation makes curriculum evaluation biased. The methods of GFE-independent evaluator, needs assessment, and checklist - pay attention to secure qualitative objectivity. I found the merits of GFE as a means of setting multiple viewpoints and emphasizing fact-finding. Through the consideration, I come to the conclusions as follows: 1. Independent evaluator can set multiple viewpoints, because the person is "free" from the "goals" of planners and practitioners. 2. The fact-finding in the method of GFE emphasizes the human judgment, the form and procedures of evaluation, and the results rather than rhetoric in curriculum evaluation. 3. GFE can change the concept of curriculum evaluation as follows: a) from the instrument to the decision-making of evaluator; not how to evaluate but who evaluates. b) from the content to the form of evaluation; not proposal but process. c) from the intent to the result of curriculum practice; not what is aimed but what was done. Finally, I point out some tasks which GFE suggests in empirical curriculum evaluation studies: 1. A researcher should make his/her position clear: evaluator or practitioner? 2. Objectivity of qualitative study depends on the position of researchers, not its method itself. 3. What is the function of evaluation in school? 4. Data must be gathered with many ways, from multiple viewpoints.
- 日本カリキュラム学会の論文
- 1998-03-31
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