- 論文の詳細を見る
Rhizomes of Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce var. pluriflorum (Miq.) Ohwi) sprouted most quickly at 20 to 25℃ when released from endodormancy. At temperatures lower than 20℃, sprouting gradually delayed with decreasing temperatures, but the rate of sprout emergence at 9℃was still high. The endodormancy was extremely deep before early November, but after the second half of November the level of endodormancy decreased rapidly with time, and the rhizome endodormancy was almost broken by the second half of December, and then completely broken by the first half of January. Chilling at 5℃ for 8 weeks was less effective in breaking endodormancy of the field-grown rhizomes before late August, but more effective in late September and most effective in the second half of October or later. The effective temperatures in breaking endodormancy were 12℃ and below, and the breaking effect was higher as the temperature decreased and the highest at 0 to 6℃. The rhizomes dug in the second half of October required a 12-week period of chilling at 0 to 6℃ to break endodormancy completely, and a 9-week period of the chilling to break most of endodormancy. When chilled at 9℃, a 14-week period was required to break endodormancy completely and a 13-week period to break most of endodormancy. When connected rhizomes with many buds were planted, 17 percent of the number of buds did not expand. However, all the buds expanded when divided rhizomes with only one bud were planted.
- 2012-02-15
高樹 英明
佐藤 仁美
上野 貴行
松本 陽
佐藤 仁美
高樹 英明
上野 貴行
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