***の進路選択自己効力感 -進路選択に影響を与える大学での「学び」とは-
- 論文の詳細を見る
The construct of self-efficacy proposed by Bandura (1977,1995) was found to have a strong effect on the career selection process among college undergraduates at a women's college in western Japan. 568 undergraduate women in their junior year were administered the standardized CareerDecision-Making Self Efficacy scale (Hanai,2008,2009) and were asked whether their major was in liberal arts or the sciences,and whether they had a job lined up at the time of the survey. A one-way ANOVA was run for data analysis. Results showed that for students who majored in the sciences,selfefficacy tended to be higher when students had selected a career path thatrelated directly to their field of study. For students who majored in a liberalarts field,however,because they lacked specialized skills compared to theirscience major counterparts,tended to have high self-efficacy when they were able to successfully narrow down their particular career path from among a wide range of options.
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- 書評:千田有紀 編 『上野千鶴子に挑む』(勁草書房、2011年3月、本文495頁、本体2,800円+税)
- ***の進路選択自己効力感 -進路選択に影響を与える大学での「学び」とは-
- オーストラリアの新移民日本女性:彼女たちを支えるのは誰なのか