「クレイム申し立て」を行わない人々 : 女子学生の「恋愛観」から考える若い女性のエンパワーメント(<特集>異文化とジェンダー)
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Social movements like Feminism have decreased during the last decade. Especially, young women who seem to adapt to Japanese society are less committed to such activities than others. Besides, these women have few interests outside their ordinary lives. However, it doesn't mean that these women have had any problematic experiences. The young women never take part in the Claim-making Activities because they have been annoyed by strong affirmation adopted by social movements during the past decade in Japan. We have to explore an alternative way to empower these women.
- 2005-03-31
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- 「クレイム申し立て」を行わない人々 : 女子学生の「恋愛観」から考える若い女性のエンパワーメント(異文化とジェンダー)
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