- 論文の詳細を見る
This study consists of two sub-studies. Undergraduate students were administered with a questionnaire that dealt with their participation in their community's social activities (Study 1). We investigated the daily and regional activities of the youth in Ueno-mura, a village in Gunma Prefecture (Study 2). We found that students from small cities participated in their community's social activities more frequently than the ones from large cities did. The cities were categorized into ordinance-designated city, special case city, and core city. Most of the students positively viewed a regional community. The students were of the opinion that communities are integral to their life. This is despite the fact that regional communities in underpopulated regions are gradually declining. In study 2, we interviewed the youths who preferred the underpopulated village of Ueno-mura as the new residents ( I-turn ) to the cities. We explored the activities of the local youth organization called "Seinen-Dan" with regard to the following aspects: job, income, autonomy, community support, innovation, and totality. This group aims to revive the declining local industry and secure the employment and income of the youth, and thus attract the number of young people who settle down in the village. The youth organization organizes the summer festival autonomously and plans various events. They are trying to modernize the feudalistic social customs of the village and to create an environment conducive to settlement. This study showed that the youth of the village were instrumental in reviving the underpopulated village. Further, we investigated the activities of the youth of Nishimera-mura, an underpopulated village in Miyazaki Prefecture, and showed that the young men had the enterprising skills to revive a village. We argued that a decline of an underpopulated area has a bearing on the future of agriculture and forestry and, in fact, is a national issue. As for the crisis that a local community of an underpopulated district faces, we proved that distortion of a country development project appears intensively in villages where living conditions are severe.
- 2010-12-20
- いじめ問題の社会心理学的研究(自主シンポジウムG7)
- 協同学習を支える教師集団の協同
- いじめが被害者に及ぼす長期的な影響および被害者の自己認知と他の被害者認知の差
- 日本における教育心理学の戦前と戦後
- 大学における教師-学生の人間関係(II)
- 社会1(501〜508)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 大学における教師 : 学生の人間関係(I)
- 観察者の帰属作用に及ぼす観察訓練の効果
- 中学生の対人関係に関する追跡的研究 : センチメント関係と学級集団構造
- 観察者の帰属作用に及ぼす視点の効果(昭和 55 年度教育心理学専攻修士学位論文概要)
- 発達における性別分化を論じる : 男女共同参画社会の実現を展望して
- 2 現代社会における大人へのなりかた(準備委員会企画シンポジウム)
- 発達における性別分化を論じる : 男女共同参画社会の実現を展望して(準備委員会企画シンポジウム2)
- 508 大学における教師-学生の人間関係(II) : その2(社会1,研究発表)
- 507 大学における教師-学生の人間関係(II) : その1(社会1,研究発表)
- 教師の利己的生徒, 利他的生徒についての認知と生徒の自己認知
- 443 大学における教師-学生の人間関係(III)(人格5 学級内の諸問題,研究発表)
- 若者の地域社会への関わりと地域存続に果たす役割
- 現代女性の人間関係と「家」文化
- 記事の読者の原因帰属,意図帰属に及ぼす識者のコメントの効果
- 日本人男性のセクシャリティに関する研究
- LS03 他者理解への教育・社会心理学的接近
- フォロアーのパーソナリティ特性の関数としてのリーダーシップ効果
- 地域文化が青年の態度と人間関係に及ぼす影響
- PG033 「ナショナル・アイデンティティ」とその構造の予備的検討(ポスター発表G,研究発表)