国語科教育におけるメディア教育論争の史的検討 : 「西本・山下論争」の議論に注目して
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Kanji Hatano, a Japanese educational psychologist, sees the Nishimoto vs. Yamashita controversy about media education in Broadcasting Education of 1960 as an important issue for Japanese literacy instruction. In this paper, I examine Kanji Hatano's philosophy of media education. From the beginning, the Nishimoto vs. Yamashita controversy was not limited to Japanese literacy instruction, but concerned the whole area of education. Hatano participated in the controversy in 1961 by bringing it into the realm of Japanese language instruction. The point of the controversy is whether we should understand broadcasting as a supplement for content-area teaching or as an autonomous "artistic media," which is a matter of the positioning of broadcasting education. This point was analyzed and considered, and it clarified how Hatano understood the "new media" of TV and positioned it in Japanese language instruction.
- 2011-09-30
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