火星のメタンの起源(<特集>有機化合物の安定同位体比を用いた有機地球化学的研究の発展とその応用(Part II))
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Substantial amounts of methane with seasonal variation have been discovered from discrete regions of Mars. What is the origin of methane on Mars-abiotic (geochemical) or biotic? Is the methane produced ancient or recently? Compound-specific stable carbon isotope analysis will be a potential tool for addressing this most intriguing question. NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), which will launch in autumn 2011, loads a Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS) into the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument to conduct in-situ stable isotope analyses of volatile compounds and organic molecules on Mars with high precision and accuracy. This technique may provide an important, Astrobiological insight for understanding the past and present planetary processes and habitability of our Earth's brother planet.
- 2011-09-30
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