モレルの実務経験 : オーストラリアとニュージーランドを中心に
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Edmund Morel was the first engineer-in-chief of Imperial Railways of Japan. After he arrived in Yokohama in April 1870, he sent a letter to Hirobumi Ito, the Second Assistant Minister of Finance and Home Department, recommending the establishment of the Department of Public Works and the Imperial College of Engineering, including other detailed propositions. The Meiji Government accepted his propositions, and began the process of industrialization. Morel was an excellent student at King's College, London, and was nominated as a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers because he was a professional engineer. This is the story adopted by almost all previous writers, but unfortunately it is not correct. Using original materials, I attempt to trace Morel's school career and engineering experience in detail not only in London but also in other places where he was active. He was apprenticed to Edwin Clark, a civil engineer for three and half years starting in 1858. In April 1863, he visited Melbourne to recommend Clark's patent. After Victoria he moved to Otago and Wellington in New Zealand. He was active there for two years, and came back to England and joined the Institution of Civil Engineers. At the beginning of 1866, he engaged in Labuan, North Borneo to construct a light railway, but the railway was not accomplished. After Labuan he moved to South Australia and worked as an engineer for the Port Augusta Railway, but he terminated his employment in Australia, and came to Japan at the invitation by Horatio Nelson Lay. In this paper I describe his apprenticeship and engineering practice in Australia and New Zealand in detail. I think that his career explains the background of his contribution as an engineer-in-chief and policy adviser to the Meiji Government.
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