1208 統合的設計管理手法の開発と応用(その2) : 圧縮機インペラにおける振動設計の一手法(OS1-1 製品開発と設計方法論I,OS1 製品開発と設計方法論)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the case of design of impeller of compressor, the tuning of the geometry of the impeller is done keeping performance of the impeller. The frequency caused by rotation of the impeller also prohibit to coincident with characteristic frequency of the impeller. There are several line up of impellers for needs, and the tuning had been determined by designer who conducted many kind of examination for those impellers. Recently, response surface method utilizing design of experiments could estimate all of the geometry of impellers, and the method could find optimized geometry of the impeller satisfied with the operating conditions. In this study, we indicate effectiveness of response surface method utilizing design of experiments.
- 2009-10-28
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