伝統的祭礼の維持問題 : 岸和田だんじり祭における曳き手の周流と祭礼文化圏
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We focus on the float festival as a representative case of the traditional Japanese festival in the context of the difficulties of contemporary Japanese society. We provide a new lens through which to view the inheritance of traditional neighborhood culture. In contemporary Japan,many traditional festivals,which have until now been inherited autonomously by each neighborhood from the traditions of the premodern era,face difficulties. The most serious is the drift of population away from the neighborhood. This strikes directly at traditional float festivals,which cost a lot of money and require many participants for them to be held annually. However,this is not necessarily the case with the Kishiwada Danjiri festival in Osaka. This festival consists of many unit festivals of several dozens of towns (each town is known as a ‘cho' in Japanese),and each unit festival takes place in either September or October. Most of the towns that are short of sufficient participants to tow the float recruit participants from another scheduled town. With this broad-based and fluid system for recruiting,there exists a cultural network,called 'Danjiri sphere',which presupposes the sharing of common festival culture and functions as an extended neighborhood society. Each town supports others and,in so doing,continues to celebrate with pride their own contribution to the festival. This case suggests that the perspective of broad-based cultural network, i.e., cultural events in one town being linked to those in another,would provide a powerful insight into the contemporary problem of the inheritance of traditional neighborhood culture in a time of population flux.
- 2010-11-30
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