全座席化と消費空間化 : イギリスのサッカー観戦環境をめぐる国家と市場の結合(II 個人研究)
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This article examines the background of the promotion of the all-seater stadium in the professional football in England since the 1990's. In 1989, immediate after the most tragic crowd-related incident in the history of British football, the Hillsborough Disaster, the British government launched a research committee responsible to Lord Justice Taylor. The Taylor Committee published two reports, which were later called the "Taylor Reports", and these reports made comprehensive recommendations with regard to stadium safety including the promotion of all-seater stadium. In response to these reports, the Football Licensing Authority (FLA) was launched as one of the British government's quangos in 1993, and it strongly promoted all-seater policy, especially to the English top-fight leagues. However, the relatively rapid acceptance of this policy by most English top-fight clubs was not only due to this quasi-governmental enforcement. It also fitted with the ongoing trend towards commercialization of the English professional football since the late 1980's. As a result of this "happy mixture" of nationalization and commercialization, the newly redeveloped all-seater stadium now represents a clean-middle-class-friendly consumer space.
- 龍谷大学の論文
- 全座席化と消費空間化 : イギリスのサッカー観戦環境をめぐる国家と市場の結合(II 個人研究)
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