2P1-B12 恐竜型2足ロボットによる動歩行の実現 : ZMPとCPGを規範とした制御の両立に向けて
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In late years, many walking bipeds have been developed. These are two conventional methods, which are ZMP based control and evaluated by limit-cycle. ZMP based control is suitable for a low speed walking, and CPG based control to construct limit-cycle is suited to walk with medium walking speed. This view is based on biomechanical concepts and experiments by robots. In this paper, we propose to employ both control methods for the dinosaur-shaped biped. We utilize ZMP based control for initial walking. It is capable of making walking speed fast step by step. However, it becomes difficult to keep walking by ZMP based control as it increases speed, because of collision and friction on the ground. So, the control method shifts to the CPG based control.
- 2009-05-25
- 2P1-B12 恐竜型2足ロボットによる動歩行の実現 : ZMPとCPGを規範とした制御の両立に向けて
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