現生および化石貝殻のウラン含有量および^<234>U/^<238>U放射能比 : 第2報 ^<234>Thのα-recoil効果による化石貝殻の^<238>U-^<234>U-^<230>Th (Io)の非平衡
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In order to elucidate the observed difference between the radioactivity ratio (^<234>U/^<238>U)_<AR> in the living modern shells and that in the fossil shells, the authors made radiochemical analysis on the nuclides ^<238>U, ^<234>U and ^<230>Th in the inorganic rod (mainly aragonite) and the organic matrix (mainly conchiolin) of molluscan shells. The analysis of uranium in the organic matrix of the shells were done by the extraction of uranium in the organic matrix by the ammonium carbonate solution. The inorganic rod and the organic matrix of modern shells showed the radioactivities of ^<238>U of 0.1-0.2 dpm/gr and 27 dpm/gr respectively. In regard to the fossil shells, the inorganic rod and the organic matrix showed 0.13-1.2 dpm/gr and 84-140 dpm/gr respectively. The (^<234>U/^<238>U)_<AR> ratios on the inorganic rod are 10 to 20% higher than the ratios on the organic matrix. The modern shells showed no such correlation. The uranium in the organic matrix has about one hundred or more times higher concentration that in the inorganic rod. Although, as a whole, the uranium in the organic part is nearly the same amount in the inorganic part. Owing to the differences of ^<238>U concentration, density and geometry of the organic and inorganic matters in a shell, more than half of alpha decay products of uranium can enter into the inorganic part. On the other hand, the reversal process, the implantation of α-decay products of uranium from inorganic part never be expected to give measurable effect owing to low concentration of uranium in the inorganic part. Many of the fossil shells had been preserved as the open system in regard with the uranium. Assumig the exchange of uranium through organic matrix, the enrichment of ^<234>U in molluscan shells by α-recoil process during a long time of preservation was calculated.
- 日本地球化学会の論文
- 1985-10-15
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