- 論文の詳細を見る
In our preliminary experiment it was found that in binary oxide system Ni-Co, remarkable decrease in resistivity and activation energy occurs at the composition of Ni_1Co_2. In the present experiment, attention was concentrated solely to the study of the oxide having this composition. In order to investigate the transition of the crystal structure, specimens that were quenched from various temperatures were examined by X-ray diffraction. In the course of the heat treatment, resistivity measurememt was made simultaneously, and it was found that this provided a convenient measure of the degree of oxidation, and also served as an indication of the transition that occurred. One series of experiment was made, starting from the oxide, prepared by prefiring mixed carbonate at about 300℃. The results are tabulated in Table I. It was recognized that specimens quenched from temperatures higher than 750℃, were of definite composition [MeO(Me=Ni_1Co_2)] and structure (NaCl-type), having almost constant lattice parameter (a=4.23_5). In the Second series of experiment, this state was chosen as a starting point, and the temperature dependency of the resistivity and the crystal structure were closely investigated. The result of this experiment is given in Table II. A slight decrease of the lattice parameter of MeO accompanied by decrease in resistivity at room temperature is observed in specimens Nos.1,2 and 3. Presumably this is due to increase in the number of lattice defects in metal sites in MeO that occurs as the results of the oxidation. Further oxidation causes the transition from NaCl-type to spinel type structure (Nos. 4,5,6 and 7) accompanied by increase in resistivity at room temperature of the quenched sample.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
- 1954-03-23
- 大阪附近の冲積層・段丘堆積層から産出した泥炭・木材の絶対年代
- 大阪冲積層基底より産出した木材の絶対年代
- A65 古期大島層群中に現れる白色テフラについて
- 7p-C-3 C^その他のアイソトープと宇宙線の長期変動
- 5a-S-4 TiO_2にドープしたNb^イオンのESR
- 火山噴出物のイオニウム年代測定
- 3.2.2 地殻活動に伴う地球化学現象に関する観測研究(3.2 指定研究,3. 研究業務)
- 東京湾東岸地域の冲積層の絶対年代
- 奄美群島喜界島の旧汀線堆積物と海岸砂丘との^C年代 : 日本の第四紀層の^C年代 XXVIII
- 富士黒土層の^C年代
- 3a-A-2 TiO_2:Cr,Feの光半導体電極
- 24a-H-11 TiO_2中のV^およびNb^イオンの光吸収スペクトル
- 2p-H-10 Nb_xTi_O_2の電磁気的性質
- 2p-H-9 NbO_xの結晶構造と電磁気的性質
- 2a-H-13 Nb_xTi_O_2の単結晶作成とその2,3の性質
- 6a-G-3 VO_のホール係数
- 6a-G-2 NbO_2の結晶変態と電気伝導
- Nb^およびAl^をドープしたVO_2の物性II : 半導体(磁性半導体)
- Nb^およびAl^ドープしたVO_2の物性 : 半導体 : 不純物伝導
- ベルヌイ法によるTiO_2-VO_2単結晶の物性 : 半導体 : 不純物伝導
- V族元素を添加したTiO_2の二三の性質(半導体(化合物,炭素,ビスマス))
- 2p-L-5 3d-遷移金属酸化物の比較
- (Ni-Co)Oの熱起電力 : 半導体(実験)
- Ni_1Co_2複合酸化物の電気抵抗と結晶構造
- 15C16. Ni, Co, Mn混合酸化物の電氣的性貭(3)
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- まえがき
- ^C 年代測定(古代を探る)
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- 泥炭層の14C年代および13C/12C比と植生の関係
- タイトル無し
- 沖積層に関連するC-14年代測定 (沖積層特集号)
- Atmospheric Radiocarbon Variation and Secular Variation of Geomagnetic Moment
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