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Many analysis methods for the impedance of the antenna have already been proposed. It is, in general, assumed that copper loss of the conductor can be neglected. The increase of copper loss reduces the efficiency of the antenna and arises the noise in it, but on the other hand, it helps the bandwidth to spread as in the resonance circuit. For the straight dipole antenna composed of the conductor with copper loss, HALLEN's Method can be applied to its analysis. But its analysis accuracy will be lost due to the increase of copper loss. It can be thought that the decrease of accuracy is attributed to the expansion into power-series for current distribution with 1/Ω (Ω=log 2ι/a, 2ι; the antenna's length, 2 a; its diameter). In order to get high accuracy, therefore, the author expanded into power-series with 1/(30Ω-jZ/β) (Z; impedance of the conductor for unit length, β; pase constant) and deduced current distribution and the input impedance of the straight dipole antenna.
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