改革・開放政策下における中国の経営改革 : 基本的政策原理の転換
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Chinese policies inaugurated after Communist Revolution, and which lasted up until the beginning of Reform Period, firstly, based on Maoist fundamentalism which puts emphasis on peoples mental exaltation, stoicism, heroism, and mass manpower policy. As a result, they are apt to neglect material incentives to stimulate individual efforts, and seeking for efficient systems. These policies are largely responsible for the backwardness of Chinese economic development. In this paper the authors analyzed : 1) firstly, the process of Management Reforms after 1078, 2) secondly, how they have been successful and what are the weakpoints, 3) and thirdly, how those new policies are based on exactly reversed principles to those in pre-Reform Period.
- 日本福祉大学の論文
- 1997-01-20
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