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1 The defects of GDP GDP:Gross Domestic Product adds as economic effects the expense of retrieval of environmental damage,traffic or auto accidents or even the cost of family breakdown which are inconsistent the welfare and happiness of people. On the contrary the women's housekeeping work that's indispensable for people's welfare but no payment is not counted to GDP.So,GDP was criticized by many people for the long time.First criticizer of GDP was Simon Kuznets(1901-1985).He was himself the developer of GNP:Gross National Product.In 1930s the Commerce Department of USA asked a young economist Mr.Simon Kuznets,to develop a uniform set of national accounts.He developed GNP in1932.Thse became the prototype for what we now call the GDP.But Kuznets knew well GNP is not the indicator of welfare.So he reported to Congress in 1934 and warned that GNP is not the indicator of welfare.In 1960s to 1970s, many people (politician, philosopher,sociologist and social reformer) criticized GDP. They are R.F.Kennedy(1968),Baudrillard(1970),Daniel Bell (1973),Hazel Henderson(1978),and Ralph Nader(1978)and so on. 2 Beyond GDP Recently,the movement of Beyond GDP occurred.And the Beyond GDP conference was held in 19&20 November 2007 in Brussels,organized by the European Commission,European Parliament,Club of Rome,OECD and WWF.They discussed the defects of GDP,but contents remained unchanged as the discussion in 60es and 70es. In 2008,French president Nicolas Sarkozy organized Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress(CMEPSP).CMEPSP was chaired by Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz,Columbia University,Professor Amartya Sen,Harvard University. Chair Adviser,and Professor Jean-Paul Fitoussi,Institut d' Etudes Politiques de Paris.Coodinator.And 21 other famous Economists in the world were the members.The report of CMEPSP was published in September 2009,But. it was not a single metric indicator taking the place of GDP. Stiglitz preferred a Dashboard more than a Single Metric. 3 Indicators Complementing and modifying GDP 1)MEW:Measures of Economic Welfare Nordhaus,W.and Tobin,J.,1972, "Is Growth Obsolete?",Economic Growth,National Bureau of Economic Reserch,pp.1-80 2)NNW:Net National Welfare Keizaishingikai NNW Kaihatsuiinkai,1973, "Atarashii Fukushishihyo NNW",Japan. 3)ISEW/GPI:Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare/Genuine Progress Indicator ・Herman E. Daly and John B. Cobb, Jr,1989,1994,for the common good,Beacon Press.・Redefining Progress,1999 ,the Genuine Progress Indecator.4)SEEA :Handbook of National Accounting:Integlated System of Environmental and Economic Accounting United Nations 2004,Handbook of National Accounting :Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting,2003,Final draft Circulated for Information Prior to Official Editing 5)HDI:Human Development Index Published every year from 1990 by UNDP. 6)HPI:Happy Planet Index Published by the New Economics Foundation U.K.,in 2006,2009. 7)HSM:Human Satisfaction Measure Terue Ohashi,2010,Democracy as the Indicator of Sustainability-From the research of "Questionnaire on Ideal Society Part2"in Japan and Sweden-,Reitaku International Journal of Economic Studies Vol.18,No.1,March 2010,pp.9-33 4 Conclusion Almost all indicators,complementing GDP do not deny the presence of GDP,do not deny the presence of GDP.even the Stigritz report.
- 2011-03-10
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