潮汐残差流生成に関わるコリオリ効果 : 瀬戸内海の数値モデルと解析解からの考察(海洋・海域(1),一般講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The generation process of the tide-induced residual currents has been examined through comparison of the numerical models with and with no effect of the Earth rotation. It has been revealed by the examination that the generation mechanism has three categories and that the Earth rotation effect plays an important role in generation of the tide-induced residual current. It is interesting that the tidal jet from the straits might form an inertia circle even in a semi-enclosed tidal basin. Further, it will be explained that the bottom topography and the grain-size distribution on the basin floor are related to the tide-induced residual currents and the Ekman layer formed by Earth rotation effect.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2008-09-04
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- 潮汐残差流生成に関わるコリオリ効果 : 瀬戸内海の数値モデルと解析解からの考察(海洋・海域(1),一般講演)