保育士養成課程における実習事前事後指導 : 初めての「施設実習」に向けた動機形成への取り組み
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Nursery school teacher training courses require a practicum at a social welfare facility along with a practicum at a nursery school. Pre- and post-practicum guidance is a requirement for the curriculum. This paper describes the contents of the pre- and post-practicum guidance classes offered concerning the facility practicums by the authors. Many students are less motivated to pursue practicums at social welfare facilities . Therefore, a major aim of our course was to address such an issue. This paper focuses on our efforts to develop a new program that promotes the motivation of trainees to work at such facilities by discussing specific topics such as important information about facility practicums, related legislation, how to keep a daily record of practicum, class structure depending on type of facility, and goal setting.
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