製品の形態成立とその変化 : 変化の過程から解析した一連のトースターの展開,自動化とその限界 No.1
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have developed sciences and technologies as well as have created innumerable art-objects, and also have established scientific analytical approaches and variety of visual cordifications, in conjunction with the human faculties to create artifacts which have no existance in our natural surroundings. Yet, so far the creative mechanism as a human own faculty has been rarely studied in the process of formation and mutation of product from the stand point of synthesizing conducts at its feasibility study. The purpose of this study is to analyze some formative and mutative design processes and designed products as phenomena resulted from knowledge intensives of human acts, and to find common design denominators and synthesizing conducts governed by their design methods and methodologies. The discussed points consists of 5 parts, they are as following; 1) Introduction: Part 1. Nature and structure of product design in general. Part 2. Analysis on formation and mutation of product in general. 2) Purpose and out-line of this study: in which, the reasons why a series of electric toaster is chosen as the material to be analyzed for the purpose. 3) Historical background and classification of toasters: Part 1. Inter-relation between breads and toasting apparatueses in some chronological orders. Part 2. Toasters classified from the stand point of handling, control and construction. 4) Examination and analysis on the series of toaster: Part 1. On handling of the toasters. Part 2. From human controls to automatized mechanical controls of the toasters. Part 3. Inter-relation between various controls and constructions of the toasters. 5) Conclusive notes: In a process of designing, especially at a stage of hypothetical feasibility studies, the professional may seek the total value of a product sometime beyond an appropriate function to a condition in which the product is properly used. In this particular studies, the FULL AUTO POP-UP TYPE and THROUGH TYPE toasters are the ones that they are beyond the proper values of the toaster in conjunction with the condition in which those particular toasters are to be used.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 1975-03-30
- 絹布における質感と色彩感の関係
- 塗装面における色彩感と光沢感の関係
- デザイン素材の光沢と色彩の相互影響に関する研究(XII) : 陶磁器における色彩の質感への影響
- デザイン素材の光沢と色彩の相互影響に関する研究(XI) : 透明塗装の厚みによる質感への影響
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- デザイン素材の光沢と色彩の相互影響に関する研究(IX) : 明度の塗装質感への影響
- 色相と彩度の塗装質感への影響
- 光沢繊維の質感への明度と色彩の影響
- デザイン素材の光沢と色彩の相互影響に関する研究(VIII) : 光沢ある繊維素材の質感に及ぼす明度と彩度の影響
- デザイン素材の光沢と色彩の相互影響に関する研究(VII) : 塗装面における明度の質感への影響
- プロダクトデザインにおける上掛け透明塗装の効果
- デザイン素材の光沢と色彩の相互影響に関する研究(VI) : 塗装面における色相の質感への影響
- 絹布光沢度の質感への影響
- 色彩と光沢の塗装質感におよぼす影響
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