新教育交流による共生社会の基礎づくり : 北東アジアにおけるホスピタリティ構築のために
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In order to approach a symbiotic society in East Asia we have put into a project; Class Exchanges by elementary school teachers in the 4 Japan Sea Rim Countries(Japan, Korea, China and Russia)has been done since in 2003 on the initiative of the elementary school affiliated to Toyama University in Japan. It has deeply impressed each teacher and each schoolmaster; it was recognized that the project would be an effective and a sure step to make a common mind of people in the historically complicated area like East Asia.Since the Cold War ended and the Japan Sea turned a warm sea, many of Japanese business persons and financial circles at the coast of the Japan Sea have expected to make a rapid economical development. However we notice now that it has not gone well and run into a brick wall that includes political, institutional and historical issues; it is a typical example that the UNDP's Tumen River Development Project in 1991 was set back, the realization of a Trans Japan Sea International Ferry Rout Plan has been postponed or in the case of the tourism in North East Asia, a multi-countries' networked tour service has not been realized yet. I think a ture issue hindering the difficulties will be a brick wall lurking in each Asia person's mind and heart. I don't deny there is the Japan's historical issue in Asia, and at the same time I stress it is very important that each of the children in North East Asia accumulates such various experiences as being able to hold a like sensibility each other as Asia persons for a symbiotic society in the area in future.In order to approach it from the point of view of an elementary school education, we tried "a new international education-exchange" that the elementary school teachers in Japan, Korea, China and Russia visit mutually the other country's class room and teach a subject to the children there. I am sure it will be a good way to make a foundation for a symbiotic society in East Asia and after all that is an effective way to take off the brick wall in front of all kinds of business in North East Asia. Above all it must be the shortest way in this area to reach the hospitality that is a core of highly developed tourism.
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