10A-A-2 非接触型医療用機器操作システムのための実時間手形状推定(A会場 大学院生・学部学生 奨励賞セッション 一般講演)
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In recent years, sophisticated and low-impact medical equipments are developed. However those devices increase operator's burden. And using those devices renders the operator at increased risk of acquiring an infection by the damage of surgical gloves. So the author decides the non-contact type manipulating system can circumvent those difficulties. In this paper, the author considers a method of hand shape estimation constitute a system. The author shows the utility of the inverse kinematics using limitation of living structure for shape estimation, and the usefulness of the stereo view for acquisition of coordinate. The result shows the system functions well in the center of the working area, but not functions properly near the boundary of working area. These reasons are the error of distance measurement and inflexible judgment condition near the boundary of working area.
- 2010-10-09
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