- 論文の詳細を見る
Family is a significant theme for the professionals of social work and clinical psychology. However, in these days, there is not a clear consensus of family practice which is common to two professional areas. The purpose of this paper is to build a bridge over the approach by social work and clinical psychology. The writer wants to show a practice model named as "Family-Centered Social Work Practice" which was developed in the United States as the model to aim at the new direction of such family practice. First, the basic framework of this model is concisely explained and next, it attempts to examine the effect of the applications across fields of family practice. Family-Centered Social Work Practice presents an ecological systems model of practice that places the family at the center of concern. The first focus for assessment and intervention is the family-environment interface. The second is the intergenerational family system. The third is the current family system. This practice model means that professionals examine the linkages between different systems levels so that family members have more social functioning ability over all areas of their lives. Many professionals of social work and clinical psychology in the family fields may apply theory and technique from this concept in many different setting. One of the effectivness is that the intervention process become able to be made accurate with approach which a focus is double set. Another is that it become possible about the transaction between the family and the.community to assess more accurately. The writer believes that Family-Centered Social Work Practice offers a practical approach to a new direction and the theoretical and technical deveropment focusing on applications across fields of family practice.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1997-12-20
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