対人援助技術の「日本的展開」 : 比較研究の視点から(社会福祉における公私問題-日本の現状と課題-)
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Social work practice is struk immediately by the all-pervasive influence of particular cultural settings on the expectations, goals, perceptions and evaluations of both clients and social worker. It is clearly essential to consider the particular values of the knowledge on which social work is based. There is a tendency to assume, unthinking, that the particular values are in the last resort more natural. For the whole of helping skills on social work is pervaded with concepts such as "the individual", "interaction", "social relations", which originated from Europe. The awareness of different cultural origins is important for effective adaptation to a wide range of the helping skills in Japan. This paper's aim is to examine from the standpoint of comparative study a new methodological framework for Japanese social work studies, with particular attention to the the skills of helping individuals. In order to make this approach clear the effective social work practice in Japan is needed. The framework in this article is as follows ; 1. The idea of unthinking induction of helping skill which is different cultural origins and the disregard of social work practice. 2. The distortional Japanization of helping skills originate from Europ. 3. Giving sufficient attention to the cultural relativity and the reformations of a conceptional framework for the skills of helping individuals in Japan. 4. From the specific point of view on Japanese society.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1984-09-01
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