社会保障・社会福祉のパラダイムの転換 : アフター・フォーディズムと福祉国家の再編(特集)
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The welfare state of advanced industrial societies are faced with a new situation as a consequences of the dynamics of after-Fordist capitalism and the globalization of economy. This new development has important implications for the theory and practice of welfare. Although globalization of economy is a worldwide trend, it affects countries in different ways. Moreover countries are responding to globalization in different ways. Thus there need not be a convergence towards a single, new pattern of welfare. From the end of 1980's, Japanese policies on social services have been changing in many respects. First, national policies have moved toward a mixture of a more traditional style of welfare which puts more emphasis on the roles of families, the community and also private enterprises in the distribution of welfare services. Second, the Japanese Government, confronting with Japan's rapidly aging society, announced a policy in 1989 called the "Gold Plan" or the "Ten-Year Strategy on Health and Welfare for the Aged". This policy changed the direction of emphasis from residential care to community care. Third, coupled with these policy changes, the responsibilities of the central Government in social services are now being transferred gradually to local Governmental and the municipal levels. Moreover many Goverment's reports recently published are now more emphasizing the importance of diversificatin of services' menu and flexibility of choice. This paper explains that these new trends of social services in Japan not only have close relationships with the dynamics of after-Fordist capitalism and the globalization of economy, but also with increased demands of citizen for flexibility of choice in social services. This paper also explains about limitations and problems which Japanese welfare system is now faced with.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1995-12-20
- 高田眞治著, 社会福祉内発的発展論:これからの社会福祉原論, ミネ川レヴァ書房, 判型:A5判, 総頁数:272頁, 発行年:2003, 定価3,990円
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