- 論文の詳細を見る
From 2005, we have continuously performed industry, government and academic research regarding( 1)how use of ICT contributes to measures for making“ classes that are comprehensible” and( 2) whether itworks as a measure for resolving the emerging social problem of“ indifference to science,” within public elementaryand middle school curriculum education classes.The computerization of education in M City is maturing well, and the city is entering its third year ofschool network development, which began in 2005. Looking at details of development up until now, in2006 the“ M City Educational Information Network Project Report: Achieving‘ Classes that are Comprehensible’through ICT” 1) was implemented.However, until now the development project has centered on the hardware side, in particular on developinginfrastructure, while on the software side the creation of digital materials that can be used in class hasnot proceeded sufficiently.Therefore, we thought that by enhancing the software side with the hardware from the beginning, theschool network development project could be further expanded. As the first step towards this, we implementeda questionnaire survey targeting the instructors.The survey was implemented with the goals of ascertaining the content and usage applications of digitalmaterials useful in classes, and extracting the needs of the instructors.Specifically, digital material usage application was centrally examined, and an awareness survey of theinstructors at elementary schools in M City was conducted with regards to their efforts in the mathematicscurriculum, with the goal of popularizing effective ICT use.As a result, from the instructors’ ingenuity and their efforts in their classes, we obtained various hints onareas in which proceeding with development of educational materials would be effective. In particular, it becameclear that using/operating actual items improved the children’s image of learning, and was effective inincreasing their desire to learn. In this paper, we shall compile the survey results and observations, particularly those related to“ mathematicsinstruction.”
- ICT(デジタルコンテンツ)の活用が児童の学習効果や教師の指導力に及ぼす効果の一考察 : 神戸市立小学校における教科授業を事例として
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- 21.理科教育における情報メディアの活用に関する研究(3) : 平成15年度神戸市の公立小学校での授業実施を通して(研究発表III : 教員養成・教員研修)(主題「教員養成・現職教員研修とe-Learning及びICT利用の教育実践」)
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- デジタルコンテンツを活用した教育効果向上のための実践授業および評価 : 小学校理科教科授業の実践を通して : アンケート調査結果より