児童期における自己制御学習に向けた授業と家庭学習のシステム(その1) : 復習の効果に着目して
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The purpose of this research is to examine the educational environment that promotes the self-regulatedlearning of children. To realize the purpose, it was tried to devise homeworks that improve the metacognition,and to relate it to the class. The devised homeworks of review were imposed for the fifth grader in thepublic elementary school, and the effects were examined in the frame of the aptitude-treatment interaction. Itwas shown that the appropriate way of the review influences the self-regulated learning of the child to somedegree, and brings a little favorable change for the study attitude. However, because the individual differencesof how to work the home study should be large, it will be necessary to examine the factors of the individualdifferences, and to plan the strategies to make the children work on their self-regulated home studies.Key Words: metacognition, self-regulated learning, homework, aptitude-treatment interaction
- 指定討論2(メタ認知を育む学習指導,研究委員会企画シンポジウム,I 日本教育心理学会第51回総会概要)
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- メタ認知方略を生かした算数問題解決の研究
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