A-4 二次元スウィングを取り入れたゴルフクラブとボールとの衝突解析(ゴルフ)
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The objective of this study was to construct a finite element (FE) model which can accurately simulate the behaviour of the shaft during a 2D swing and the behaviour of golf impacts between a ball and a simplified club. The club was constructed by holding the simplified clubhead by a locking ring fitted onto a steel shaft. The clubhead was designed based on the mass, volume and position of the centre of gravity of commercial clubheads, so as to enable a typical golf impact. The FE model of the club, which consisted of the clubhead, a locking ring and a shaft, was constructed with linear elasticity. The FE model of the ball consisted of 8-node solid elements, and the material model was expressed as a hyperelastic/viscoelastic model. An experiment, in which the simplified club was swung with circular motion and collided with the ball, was conducted to simultaneously measure the motion of the shaft grip and the behaviours of the shaft and impact. The experiment was also used to confirm the accuracy of the FE model, by comparing the results of the experiment to those of the FE analysis. The simulation results of the behaviour of the shaft during the swing matched the experimental results. The simulation results of the impact behaviour also generally agreed with the experimental results. It is important to represent the higher fidelity of the input conditions for the FE analysis, such as the motion and constraint of the grip, in addition to that of geometry and material properties of the FE models for the ball and club, in order to estimate and evaluate the behaviours of the swing and impact.
- 2009-12-02
宇治橋 貞幸
田中 克昌
寺西 幸弘
宇治橋 貞幸
宇治橋 貞幸
東京工業大学 大学院情報理工学研究科
寺西 幸弘
田中 克昌
- ラフバラ大学におけるスポーツ・テクノロジー : (新しい学術分野の開拓)(日本語要約)(スポーツを面白くする工学)
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