Optimal settings of frequency-selective devises used for E-field measurements from a W-CDMA base station (環境電磁工学)
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Frequency-selective measurements with a spectrum analyzer are the most obvious means to accurately measure the power of a communication signal. This paper presents an experimental investigation conducted to determine optimal settings for the frequency-selective measurements used for exposure assessments in the vicinity of a wideband code division multiacces (W-CDMA) mobile phone base station. Spectrum analyzers from three different manufactures are used in this work, i.e., one handheld and two bench top spectrum analyzers. They are directly connected to a base station simulator using a coaxial cable. Based on these spectrum analyzers, a known W-CDMA signal from the base station simulator has been measured for the different detector modes (root mean square (RMS) and positive-peak detectors) and different resolution bandwidths (RBW). We discuss the dependence of the standard deviation of the measured signal on spectrum analyzer types, detector modes and RBWs.
- 2010-04-16
Simba Ally
National Inst. Information And Communications Technol. Koganei‐shi Jpn
Hamada Lira
National Inst. Of Information And Communications Technol. Koganei‐shi Jpn
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Hamada Lira
National Inst. Of Information And Communications Technol. (nict) Koganei‐shi Jpn
渡邊 聡一
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
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