海南島における住民虐殺と統治政策 : 「Y作戦」に見られる日本のアジア侵略の構図
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Japan occupied the island of Hainandao just before the Asia Pacific War.The Japanese army murdered many Hainandao inhabitants during this occupation. Nevertheless the facts of these massacres have been suppressed and neglected by japanese government and people after the war. We have been researching the facts of the massacres by the Japanese army through interviews with the survivors in Hainandao. As a result we found these massacres did not happen accidentally, but were purposely carried out in accompaniment with the military operations of the Japanese army. These massacres took place continually from February 1939 to August 1945. I analyzed the Military Diary of the Japanese Navy in Hainandao. Recorded in this diary is not only military operations in the narrow sense, but also various government policies. For example, the mining of natural resources, management of land, control of prices, the education for the island inhabitants, and securing human resources. The aim of the Japanese army was to continue its war effort by pillaging resources, food, and using forced labor, among other things. It tried to construct a sphere of self-sustenance by pillage of its occupied countries. Many government policies were necessary to construct this sphere of self-sustenance by pillage. It shows the particularity of Japanese imperialism in comparison with Occidental imperialist practices.
- 海南島における住民虐殺と統治政策 : 「Y作戦」に見られる日本のアジア侵略の構図
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