社会的個人概念の再発見 : ポスト・フォーディズムの生産諸力
- 論文の詳細を見る
Karl Marx discovered the social individuality, as opposed to the private individual, at the end of the development of bourgeois society in the 19th century. Nowadays, in 21th century, capitalism has attained production post-fordism. The production system of post-fordism is composed of the corporation of workers. It accelerates communication, dialogue and language activity between workers. Japanese Economist, Kiyoaki HIRATA, pointed out the appearence of social individuality as the result of the transition of the labour process into the scientific proces in the age of post-fordism. Almost the same period, before or after 1980, Antonio Negri and Paolo Virno in Italy focused their attention on the same transformation of labour process in post-fordism. They indicated the importance of politics of labour in organizing the collective force of workers as productive force of capital. They reffered to this type of politics as bio-politic power.
- 大阪産業大学の論文
- 2005-06-30
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