社会の自己認識としての社会主義 : グローバルな社会的個人の生成
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I will attempt to resusciter the concept of socialism in the age of globalisation in this thesis. For this research, I want to start from reestimation of the concept of socialism by Karl Marx. Firstly, He defined socialism as self ciritical understanding of social conscience of capitalist society. Secondely he defined it as reestablishment of individual property, not of social property. Thirdly, he defined it as realisation of social individuality. These three definitions of socialism that K.Marx defined are reappearing on a large scale in the development of global capitalism nowadays. As to self understanding of social conscience, as H.Lefebvre argued it in his critics of everyday life, the domination of capital penetrates into not only a sphere of labour process but also a sphere of consumption or culture. Therefore it is necessary to ciriticize a private conscience, and recongnize the process of socialisation under the evolution of private property. As to the development of socialisation and social individuality, Hardt/Negrit propose the concept of common and they discover multitude as taker of common. Gerard Delanty also pays attention to the appearence of new concept of community in the age of globalisation. While traditional community tends to degenerate under the domination of market economy, , on the contrary, new community by way of information technology is developping. Lastly I will define 21st century's socialism by the notion of fraternity.
- 大阪産業大学の論文
- 2007-02-28
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